
Canoodles, Bivalves & Cool 2BSQ in 2020

Twenty years ago I saw Patti Smith welcome in the millennium at Bowery Ballroom.

My friend Christine kindly put me on the band’s list + 1. NO ONE I knew wanted to be +1 to venture downtown in the rain. I anonymously comped a stranger in line and made his night.

Patti Smith an iconic original and creative force. After the amazing female punk rocker brought the crowd into the future, I biked to “that” catered tuxedo party…EVERYONE: ”This is dull. Tell us how Patti was!” ME: “You had to be there.”

I am so grateful to have made the choice to listen to art in 2000.

NOW in the new 2020’s I am devoted to driving meaningful work forward. “Rotelli Road Trip” & “Chip the Wall” are two creative projects I aim to shape and build. I continue my commitment to beauty, meaning and resilience. “I think therefore I am.”

My personal goals center around improving my connections with people, be present, listening to their words transform into actions. May their brilliant minds give guidance concerning the pursuit of my ideas.

Cheers to making change, the constant.


2020 TRISCUIT marks the new spot.